Recovery from a disaster can be tough to do for everyone with the amount of paperwork involved on top of surviving the storm itself.
Lone Star Legal Aid’s Disaster Relief Unit is available to provide free civil legal services to eligible applicants.
1800-733-8394 or State Bar Of Texas Disaster Hotline 1-800-504-7030
LSLA can assist with:
- Evictions, repairs, security, deposits, and other landlord problems;
- Mortgage difficulties like foreclosures;
- Property Right, title clearing, and probate;
- Lost/destroyed documents;
- Appealing FEMA decisions;
- Income Maintenance;
- Access to healthcare;
- Education;
- Unemployment Benefits:
- And Family Law Issues

Lone Star Legal Aid
2200 Market Street, Ste. 301 Galveston, TX 77550